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Mental Health 


In the United States for every 3 college students there is at least 1 of them that has been diagnosed with a type of mental health illnesses or disorders.

The quote attached is my favorite educational quote. The reasoning behind this would be 

"Mental Health Is an Important Topic and Should Be Discussed More Frequently." -Brien Blatt 


Past and recent surveys taken by college students have shown that college students mental health is a growing concern. Anxiety is the top disorder that student struggle with at 41.6 percent, following that is depression at 36.4 percent, and lastly relationship problems cause about 35.8 percent. The rates are continuously increasing, and there are already 24.5 percent of those who suffer from these disorders who are on psychological suppressants and medication to help with their struggles. 

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In the past eight years the amount of college students to develop mental health disorders has increased by over 110 percent. Only 10 percent of these students will actually reach out and seek help. Their symptoms can vary from having a lack of interests and energy, problems sleeping, and a severe mood change. Data analysis has shown that the stress and anxiety that college students undergo, and experience often leads to drop out rates increasing. Not only have droprates have been increasing, more importantly suicide rates in college students have also been increasing yearly. According to college student mental health statistics, around 1,100 US college students commit suicide every year and 24,000 attempt to take their lives.



Colarossi, J. (2022, April 21). Mental Health of College Students Is Getting Worse. Boston University.

3 Shocking Statistics on Student Mental Health | National Society of High School Scholars. (n.d.).




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